Biloxi Information

20 Interesting Facts About Biloxi

  1. There is only one city named Biloxi in the United States.
  2. The word ‘Biloxi’, which means “First People”, comes from the Biloxi Indian tribe, whom the French encountered in 1699.
  3. Pierre Le Moyne, Sieur d’Iberville, in command of a French expedition to find the mouth of the Mississippi River, landed on the shore of Biloxi on February 13, 1699.
  4. Biloxi has served under eight flags: French, English, Spanish, West Florida Republic, Magnolia State, Confederate, Mississippi State, and The United States.
  5. Biloxi was the capital of the Louisiana Territory from circa 1719 to circa 1722.
  6. The historic old Spanish trail, which is a 20th century creation, runs through Biloxi as Highway 90.
  7. Fort Massachusetts was not a civil war fort. It was the result of the efforts of the U.S. Congress to fortify all major harbors and ports along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Construction began in 1858. The fort was never actually finished.
  8. “Beauvoir” near the Coast Coliseum, was the last home of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy.
  9. Biloxi is the home of the Magnolia Hotel, oldest hotel still standing on the Mississippi Coast, constructed in 1847.
  10. “Biloxi Bacon”, a fish called mullet, helped to save people from starvation during the civil war.
  11. In the 1920’s, Biloxi was known as the “Seafood Capital of the World.”
  12. Biloxi and Harrison County have the longest man-made beach in the world, which is 26 miles long.
  13. Biloxi is the birthplace of Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise.
  14. The mast of the “USS Biloxi”, World War II cruiser, proudly stands at Guice Park, located in front of the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor on Highway 90.
  15. Mardi Gras was first celebrated on March 3, 1699 in the New World by d’Iberville and his men.
  16. Queen Ixolib (Biloxi spelled backwards) and King D’Iberville rule over the Biloxi Mardi Gras.
  17. Keesler Air Force Base, the largest electronics training center in the world, is located in Biloxi.
  18. Biloxi has been a tourist destination since before the Civil War.
  19. Biloxi is also known for the cultural diversity. Our ethnic groups keep our foods, celebrations and customs alive.
  20. The cast iron Biloxi lighthouse has survived 21 hurricanes since its erection in 1847.


General Statistics

Total persons 44,054
Persons Per Household 2.46
Median Household Income $44,519
Median Age 35.7
High School Graduates 85.3%
Bachelors Degree or Higher 22.9%


White 68%
Black 19%
Vietnamese 4%
Hispanic/Latino 8%

Labor Force Status

Total Labor Force 25,502
Civilian Labor Force 21,080
Armed Forces 2,560

Housing Unit Characteristics

Housing Units 21,278
Home Ownership Rate 56.8%

Per Capita Income

Biloxi $25,526
Mississippi $19,997


U.S. Bureau of the Census (2010)