Biloxi Bay Area Chamber of Commerce



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NeuroKare owner Pam Binns-Turner would like to help anyone (or if you know someone) who may be suffering from the holiday blues.

Enjoy the 1st blog in her series of discovering a new path to optimal mental wellness 🙂

After enduring the flooding of their beautiful office, the NeuroKare team turned tragedy into triumph and are at a brand new location!

NeuroKare has a brand new, convenient location now in Gulfport off Cowan-Lorraine Road!
11280 E. Taylor St., Suite C
Gulfport, MS 39503

Serving the Gulf Coast and Beyond
Discover a New Path to Optimal Mental Wellness


The holidays are coming soon and along with the joy they bring, it can be a stressful time for
many people—the shopping, gatherings, and family time can add extra pressure to our already
busy lives. For those dealing with mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, the
holidays can be even harder.
About 1 in 5 adults will suffer from mental illness each year, according to the National Alliance
on Mental Illness. Chances are someone close to you will be affected and suffering from
seasonal mood disorders. The resulting stress of the holiday season can trigger or worsen
mental health conditions.
Some individuals have situational events during that seem to set them apart from the
happiness of the holiday season, like loss of a spouse, family member, close friend, or even a
beloved pet. Without a solid network of friends, an individual can easily slip into a serious
depression or severe anxiety disorder.
Adding to the additional stress of the busy pace of the holidays, the shortened hours of
daylight and change in weather to drearier, less sun-filled days can make an individual’s mood
take a turn for the worse.
How can you spot the signs of someone struggling with their mental health during the holidays
and be there to offer your support?
 Does your loved one seem to be more withdrawn than usual?
 Are they behaving more erratically and impulsively?
 Are they more irritable?
 Do they typically respond quickly to a text or phone call, but now they are not
responding at all?

It’s also important to pay attention to the content of what a friend or loved one is talking or
writing about.

Do they avoid talking about future activities? Are they making references of wanting to escape
or that they have nothing to live for? These could be cues that someone is feeling hopeless
and may even be entertaining serious thoughts of self-harm.
If you or someone you know is considering suicide or self-harm, there are resources available
to provide free and confidential support. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-
273-TALK or Teen Line at 1-800-TLC-TEEN

How can you support a loved one or friend suffering during the holidays?
Simply reaching out is meaningful and can mean a world of difference to someone suffering
from the isolation and loneliness of depression and severe anxiety.
When you talk to your loved one, use these tips:
 Let them know that you are there for them and that they matter to you.
 Acknowledge that the holiday season can be difficult and that it's OK not to feel
happy or joyous.
 Express gratitude for having them in your life.
 Remind them that even though this might be a difficult or even painful time, things
change and you are there to support them through their sadness.
 Most importantly, let them know that you love and care for them.
What five recommended strategies can you suggest to your friend or loved one to battle
holiday depression and anxiety?
 Be physically active and get outdoors.
 Be a safe place to allow your friend or loved to share their true feelings.
 Help assess negative emotions and set boundaries to limit exposure to situations that
may be triggers for depression.
 Help find opportunities for volunteering for a good cause: Toys for Tots, Angel Trees,
Food Pantry, Homeless Shelter – even dog walk at the nearest Humane Society.
 Give the gift of time together – going to a movie, lunch, coffee – rather than searching
for the meaningless bauble just to participate in “gift-giving”.

NeuroKare has a brand new, convenient location now in Gulfport off Cowan-Lorraine Road!
11280 E. Taylor St., Suite C
Gulfport, MS 39503

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