All items marked with an asterisk (*) are required to become a member. The more information you provide, the better your business listing will be.

Once you are ready to make a payment, please click the "Make A Payment" tab.

Complete all details in the tabs before making a payment. Once you have selected all options, you can verify the code and click "Make A Payment" to proceed.

Select Membership *

Additional Member or Location

Primary Contact

Title *

First Name *

Last Name *

Email Address *

Phone Number *

Business Information

Company Name *

Tell Us About Your Company *

Website URL

Business Category

Hold the CTRL key as you select to select up to 3 categories.

Business Categories

Join A Committee?

If you are interested in joining a committee, you can select it here.

Select Committee

Social Media

Facebook URL

Twitter URL

Instagram URL

Youtube URL

LinkedIn URL

Primary Location

Once you have submitted this form, you will be given the opportunity to add additional locations and members if applicable.

Mailing Address *

Mailing City *

Mailing State *

Mailing Zip Code *

Payment Information

Your payments are secured using SSL and Nothing is stored on our servers.

If you have any questions about this please view our privacy policy.

Credit Card Number *

Expiration Date *

Billing Zip Code *

Total: $0.00

Become A Member

The Biloxi Bay Area Chamber of Commerce’s purpose is “to encourage, promote, and enhance the economic posture, environment, and cultural heritage of the Biloxi Bay region”. We are “At Work For You” to make Biloxi brighter and stronger.

To join the Biloxi Bay Area Chamber of Commerce select your desired membership level below or call our office: 228.435.6149.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies can be done as a business opens up, to celebrate an anniversary or even a completed construction project. The possibilities are endless!

Our after hours networking events – “Bay Connects” are held on a monthly basis. There is no cost to host either event, just supply refreshments and the venue. We’ll handle the rest of the details.

Please call 228.435.6149 or email for more information.

Extend Your Membership

Membership Options

Premium (15 members are permitted in this membership level) 1/2 year

Contact our office to add your additional members: 228.435.6149 /

Complimentary membership database ($100 value).

Our Fiscal Year is from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


Business Membership (covers the Business + one member) 1/2 year

A Business membership covers the Business + One Member.

Our Fiscal Year is from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

Contact our office if you have any questions: 228.435.6149 /


Business Plus (add-on option for BBACC members that have additional locations or members already in the Chamber)

This is an add-on to a Business membership for businesses that have additional locations or members.

Our Fiscal Year is from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

Contact our office if you have any questions: 228.435.6149 /


Non-Profit (must be a non-profit organization) 1/2 year

Non-Profit Organizations

Our Fiscal Year is from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

Contact our office if you have any questions: 228.435.6149 /


Individual (for those would like to network with others, but do not have a Business)

Non-business Membership

Our Fiscal Year is from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

Contact our office if you have any questions: 228.435.6149 /


Student (must be in college & 21+ years old)

21+ Years or Older

Our Fiscal Year is from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

Contact our office if you have any questions: 228.435.6149 /


Thank You to Our Premium Members